'Share, care and be fair'

We recommend:    

'European School Tyrol' in Innsbruck,  



Accredited European School Tyrol

Campus Volksschule Saggen

Englisch/Deutsch - Years 1 - 4

Siebererstrasse 7, 6020 Innsbruck

Tel.: +43 512 584870

Email: primar-englisch-deutsch@aes-tirol.eu


Campus Volksschule Altwilten

Italiano - Years 1 - 4

Leopoldstrasse 15, 6020 Innsbruck

Tel.: +43 512 580127

Email: primar-italienisch@aes-tirol.eu


Campus Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck

English/Italiano/Deutsch - Years 5 - 12 

Angerzellgasse 14, 6020 Innsbruck

Tel.:  +43 50902801

Email: sekundar@aes-tirol.eu


COLE Primary School is still looking for an appropriate (primary and secondary school) building in Innsbruck

Until we are satisfied with the building and have the right professional staff we will not continue with the primary and secondary schools.

If you have an adequate building and/or are interested in the school please contact us. Rosie:  admin@cole.at    +43 664 3716063


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