'Share, care and be fair'

Aims & Goals

‘The sky’s the limit’ - so to speak. As the world changes so do the aims and goals of the people, but COLE International Schools' main aims and goals will always continue to be providing and promoting the following for our students.



  • qualitative, learner-centred education where individual needs are met, supported and exceeded.
  • a challenging, dynamic and global educational programme in both German and English languages.
  • informed eclectic teaching methodology to accommodate students’ differing academic acquisition capabilities.
  • developmentally appropriate materials, practices and strategies.
  • a safe, secure, happy learning environment and positive learning experiences.




  • students' maximum potential by learning at their functional level in order to provide a solid foundation of skills, knowledge and values.
  • academic and social excellence for all students.
  • a holistic insight to knowledge. Students should see the subjects they learn as an integrated whole.
  • communicative competence through excellence in all four communication skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) above and beyond national curricula in both English and German languages.
  • the ability to think critically, independently and creatively, and to express themselves and their ideas freely.
  • students becoming resourceful thinkers, who independently and creatively strive to solve complex problems through reflection and critical evaluation.
  • developing a strong sense of local, regional, national and global responsibility.
  • mutual respect for and appreciation of others; self-discipline; good manners and behaviour; empathy, morals and ethics within and beyond the school environment.
  • encourage understanding through intercultural and global awareness.
  • foster a life-long desire to learn.


Our goal - to turn today’s children into happy, responsible, academically well-educated, globally thinking and ethical adults of tomorrow.

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