Structure of the Schools
‘COLE International Schools’ is a registered trademark belonging to Rosemarie Ladner-Cole and represents the conglomerated term for any COLE schools, societies, educational projects and institutes (Pre-school, Primary School, High School, Vereine, ...) in Europe and abroad.
All schools under the umbrella name, or any derivitive of, ‘COLE International Schools’ follow the same academic philosophy to ensure that the quality of education remains high and all are under licence to Rosemarie Ladner-Cole, MA.
COLE International Schools are academically oriented with a focus on English and STEM subjects.
The Schools are supported by the sponsors of the non-confessional, NGO and non-profit organisation 'Freunde von COLE International Schools'.
Non-profit, society ‘Freunde von COLE International Schools’ registration number: ZVR 1270918114 
Society Statutes