'Teile, sorge dich um andere und sei fair'

Below: COLE International Schools 





When we decided for our youngest son Maxi to be homeschooled, I didn't think of an alternative. Everything was just amazing! But the social contact with other kids was missing. So I got into searching the best of the best for my best... As homeschooled, Maxi spoke English like a native speaker, and at some point he chose English over German and Romanian, the other two languages he was growing up with.
So my searching was narrowing to English schools. And that was such a synchronicity. When we first arrived at COLE International School, Pre-school he was very reticent, after the previous experience in another German speaking school and we said we would just give it a try. His opening from shy to curious and than engaged and excited made my heart sing!!! And for me as his mother, seeing the professional and lovely approach to the children, their willingnes and curiosity to learn, the passion of the teacher to teach, made my day! Finally, the ‘right Pre-school’ for my son.
It was really the only option for my son Maxi, teaching high standards but leaving space for creativity, freedom, trust and curiosity. Soon Maxi felt ‘at home’ and we were all excited. Due to circumstances we moved countries, back to Romania, and now Maxi is homeschooled. For the social ineraction we choose to get involved in sports clubs and organizing ourselves gatherings and camps, co-learning activities for kids. 
But thinking back to COLE International Schools, COLE Pre-school, the experience and the feeling we were blessed with, is still in our hearts. 
Thank you Rosie and team, and keep going. Children nowadays need Pre-schools like yours: to be understood and loved, open kids and open teachers, where everyone can learn from everyone.
Our many thanks to Rosie and in appreciation of her well-designed curriculum.
All the best,
Maxi and Daniela 





Meine (Anna-S.) Zeit bei Rosie im COLE Kindergarten haben sowohl meine, als auch die Kindheit meines Bruders Felix sehr geprägt. Uns wurde dadurch ermöglicht trotz deutschsprachiger Eltern von klein an bilingual aufzuwachsen. Dies war der Grundstein für den weiteren englischsprachigen Verlauf meines Lebens bis hin zu einem High School Jahr in den USA, wodurch mein Englisch C1 beziehungsweise Muttersprachenniveau erreichte. 
Über sieben Jahre hinweg sind zuerst ich und dann mein Bruder bei Rosie täglich ein und und aus gegangen. Durch die überschaubare Größe der Kindergartengruppe war das Verhältnis zu den anderen Kindern und den KindergartenpädagogInnen sehr familiär und wir sind bis heute mit Rosie in engem freundschaftlichen Kontakt. 


Fam. T.





Unglaublich, wie die Zeit vergeht. Jetzt ist für uns die Volksschulzeit mit Juli 2022 schon vorbei. Ihr habt so vieles geleistet, dass nicht selbstverständlich ist. Daher möchten wir die Gelegenheit zum  Abschluß nutzen, um Danke zu sagen          für die ausgezeichnete Arbeit, die ihr alle jeden Tag geleisztet habt! Ihr wart es, die diese Zeit für uns unvergesslich gemacht haben. Danke für die Möglichkeit der individuellen Förderung in jedem einzelnen Unterrichtsfach!

Danke für die toll gestalteten Feiern, welche auch musikalisch immer mit viel Engagement und Liebe zum Detail umraht wurden! In diesen Schulveranstaltungen war wirklich ersichtlich, dass der JIb als Lehrperson für euch kein Beruf, sondern eine Berufung ist! Danke dafür, dass ihr die Schule so kreativ gestaltet, dass die Kinder mit solchem Spass bei der Sache sind, dass ihnen gar nicht bewusst war, dass sie eigentlich lernen. Danke für die Tollen Bastelarbeiten, die wir Eltern voller Freude von den Kindern geschenkt belommen haben! Wir werden diese in Ehren halten!

Danke für die regelmäßigen Reports, die Rosie eingeführt hat, zum Leistungsstand unseres Kindes. Unglaublich, dass ihr alle sechs Wochen den Eltern ein schriftliches Feedback zu den Leistungen ihrer Kinder zukommen lasst! Daraus wird ersichtlich, dass für euch det Leistungsfortschritt der Schüler*innen eine große Bedeutung hat. Besonders erfreulich war dabei, dass die Reports nicht irgenwelche Standardfloskeln enthalten, sondern man merkt, dass jeder Satz wohl überlegt und an das Kind gepasst war. Das war keineswegs selbstverständlich, und wir wussten das zu schätzen.

Familie T.







Wir sind sehr traurig, dass unser Sohn die COLE Schule jetzt nach zwei Jahren verlassen muss, da die Volksschulzeit vorbei ist und er in das Gymnasium wechselt.

Es war eine wunderschöne Zeit die wir nie vergessen werden.

Die Lehrer(innen) sind extrem kompetent und die Art der Übermittlung des Lehrstoffes ist einfach nur genial. Die Kinder werden animiert und motiviert. Trotz des umfangreichen Lehrplanes hatte unser Sohn immer Spaß dabei den Stoff zu lernen. Ich kann aus eigener Erfahrung sagen, dass es nicht selbstverständlich ist, dass sich Lehrer so viel antun um die Lerninhalte in einer so positiven Weise in einer angenehmen Lernumgebung den Kindern zu vermitteln. Dass die Kinder dort auch in Englisch unterrichtet werden, ist natürlich ein weiterer großer Vorteil dieser Schule.

Trotz Corona Pandemie haben die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen es mit großem Einsatz geschafft, den gesamten Stoff (mit DropBox und Zoom Unterricht) durchzunehmen!! Das war für uns sehr wichtig, damit unser Sohn keine Defizite beim Übertritt ins Gymnasium hat. Vielen Dank nochmal dafür! Auch ein großes Dankeschön dafür, dass er jetzt (nach negativen Erfahrungen in der vorherigen Volksschule) wieder, dank dem tollen Team in der COLE Schule, ein stärkeres Selbstbewusstsein und vor allem die Lernfreude zurückerlangt hat.

Unser Sohn wechselte vor zwei Jahren von einer anderen Volksschule in Innsbruck in die COLE Schule und wir haben diesen Schritt keine einzige Sekunde bereut.

Wir können somit die COLE International Schools uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen.






Wir bedanken uns bei Rosie und ihrem wundervollen Team für zwei tolle Pre-school Jahre, in welchen unsere Tochter Ruby sich der englischen Sprache sehr vertraut machte und die interkulturelle Gruppe ihr viel an Weltoffenheit vermittelte.

Die lockere Art, das tägliche spielen im Park, die gemeinsame Zeit mit den Tieren, die kreativen Momente und die Feste rund um den Jahreskreis haben dazu beigetragen, dass sie sich sehr wohl gefühlt hat und auf die ihr fremde Sprache voll und ganz eingelassen hat, bevor sie nun ihr letztes Kindergarten Jahr in einem deutschsprachigen Kindergarten verbringen wird um ihre Erstsprache zu stärken und die spätere Mehrsprachigkeit und ihr Interesse an Sprachen im allgemeinen weiter zu fördern.






It was not easy to decide to move to Innsbruck, but when I found COLE International Schools on the internet, I knew there was a perfect Pre-school for my son. After many friendly and helpful email exchanges with Rosie at COLE we finalised our move.

My 4 year-old son Aiden spent a year at Pre-school where he was able to improve his 2nd language English and make new friends. He also attended the school’s summer programme in July, which he thoroughly enjoyed.

All the staff were kind, helpful and very caring. My son had a fantastic time whilst attending the Pre-school and misses everyone (especially the collie dog – Elfie).

Hopefully we can come back again and my son can attend the bi-lingual (English/German) COLE Primary School.

Thank you to all the staff and especially Rosie who went out of her way to be helpful in all matters, not just school matters.







Our family relocated to Austria for a year’s work exchange with two daughters age 7 and 10. The youngest knew only a little bit of English and no German, while the oldest had basic English skills, but also no German. At COLE they both felt safe and welcome, and quickly adapted to their new school. Their English skills improved rapidly, and by the end of the school year their German was also at a good level. Despite the language challenges they also had good academic progress in science and math during the year. The experienced and friendly teachers presented the material in an engaging manner, and the children learnt to research and present what they learnt, also learning from each other in the classroom.

COLE was an important factor in the success of our stay in Austria, making it a great life experience for the children. We would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an international school in the Innsbruck area.







On the 31st of July 2015, I sent my first email to Rosie to ask for information about the COLE schools for my daughter Michaela, then 9 year old. We were in Athens, Greece at that time, and had our first plans to move to Innsbruck. It was Friday at 23.57, just before midnight, when I sent this first email. To my surprise, I got a comprehensive reply just 45 minutes later! At 00.45 after midnight! This is Rosie. She works 24/7 trying always to improve the level of the service that her school provides. Her motto is “School for the children, not children for the school”.

After the first email, we exchanged numerous emails with Rosie. She gave to us fabulous information not only about her school, not only about the education system in Austria, but also about the everyday life in Innsbruck and in Tirol. Where to try to find a flat, where to go for shopping, which supermarket she prefers, what is the healthcare system in Austria. All this information that a newcomer needs and we were so lucky that Rosie provided this easily to us.

Mikaela was enrolled at COLE bi-lingual International Primary School for the spring semester of 2016, 4th grade. She didn’t know even a word in German, while her English was very basic. I couldn’t have imagined a better school for her than COLE. Mikaela felt secure from the first moment in her class. This helped her to improve her knowledge in both German and English quickly. Although moving to a new country is somehow a shock for everybody and especially for children, due to Rosie and COLE schools, Mikaela had the smoothest transition to her new life in Innsbruck. When Mikaela finished successfully the 4th grade in COLE, she was easily accepted in the International Classes, a part of the state-run Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck (AGI).

Mikaela and we have the best memories from Rosie and COLE International Schools. I will never forget how much she helped my family to adapt to our new life in Austria and especially how much everyone at COLE helped Mikaela to feel at home, to love learning, and to advance in her academic and social life.

Manolis Lyris







Our 3 and a half year old daughter attended COLE pre-school for a period of 6 months this year (2017). We had just arrived directly from France and our daughter had never heard a word of English and nor could she understand German. She adapted very quickly and easily to her new environment thanks to the warm, attentive and very experienced staff that we were lucky to find at COLE Pre-school. Indeed, Rosie and the teachers helped our daughter feel at home right from the beginning, and it was very reassuring for us, parents, to feel safe when bringing our daughter to school every morning.

Of course, there is absolutely no comparison than can be established with the French pre-schooling system… Everything at COLE Pre-school is geared to the wellbeing of the children. This is a major difference. All of the activities that are offered at COLE International Schools (ski-week, swim-week, Summex, and many more), are very well organised and our daughter had a great deal of fun, although she had never participated in any of these before. Of course, fun is part of the pre-school deal, but the amount of drawing and crafts that she brought home every Friday was impressive, and she has made a lot of progress in these areas, thanks to the great jobs of the teachers in this field.

Moreover, her progress in English was impressive over her stay at COLE, this can surely be attributed to the highly qualified teachers and assistants always making sure that our daughter understood what she needed, and encouraged every improvement she made.

Another great ‘feature’ of COLE Pre-school, is the ‘relaxed’ atmosphere that Rosie has managed to create there. The absence of strict schedules regarding opening and pick up hours (for example), is totally opposite to what is found in France, but is very much appreciated in cases of last minute changes in our daily life, which can soon become a schedule struggle!

In brief, COLE Pre-school was a great experience, both for our daughter and for us, as Rosie and the great teachers there are making every effort to help create a safe, relaxed, and fun environment for our children. In addition, of course, our daughter has made a lot of progress during her stay there, both in English and in craft and motor skills. Our experience there was so great, that we are definitively thinking of registering our daughter for next year’s ski week during the French school holiday season !

I would therefore highly recommend COLE International Schools / Pre-school for any parents who are looking for an International School or Pre-school for their children.


2016 - 2017

Fam. Monika & José BANDIN BABAYAN

Mexico & Spain




Being in COLE International Schools was a great experience for all of the family. Rosie, the director, always had her doors open for any questions and problems, and above all she was always willing to help.

Our children enjoyed a wonderful year in a well-mannered and respectful, environment, supported by an active, dynamic and fun teaching methodology.

Our three children were very happy, made some great friends and learnt many new and fun things.

Another thing that we loved about the schools is that they teach children to actively take part in helping those less fortunate, giving the children a sense of usefulness and ensuring they feel proud of their achievements in contributing to societies less fortunate children in our world.

Thank you to Rosie and COLE International Schools for this great year.


2000 - 2006





All three of my children attended the COLE English Pre-school (Kindergarten) from ages 2 to 6.


Comparing the two systems (Austrian and British) and observing how my children and their friends developed I can emphasize the benefits of COLE:

- British system, that is based on early learning and working with worksheets. Children learn letters, what letters look like, what they feel like, what they sound like in a playful manner. Working on assignments is an exciting game for them.

- creative and nurturing environment

- very small groups allowing for individual instruction

- British native-speakers with well-spoken English

- different pre-school pets (dog, cats, goldfish) were part of the pedagogical philosophy and were something my children really enjoyed as they didn't have pets at home

- diversity of activities with trips and excursions

- children from families, where no English is spoken, learnt to really communicate in English. Not just to recite a learned by heart song or poem, but actually speak English at a very early age!

My children benefitted greatly from this wonderful pre-school, that I can highly recommend. They had no problem getting into bilingual classes in high school later! Thank you, Rosie!


1996 - 2002

Fam. Manfred SWAROVSKI




Our son Manfred jun. attended COLE. We would highly recommend COLE English Pre-school to anyone who values a qualitative, global education and a friendly, safe environment for their child to learn and grow in. The ratio of teachers to children is ideal for group dynamics as well as individual lessons.

All aspects of the curriculum (designed by Rosie) are well covered and the school programme is well-prepared ensuring the days are well balanced. The hours Rosie puts into preparation for her teaching shows through in the comprehensive programme she provides. She is extremely motivated and because of this the children benefit from a great education. The qualitative, flexible, child-friendly educational programme goes above and beyond what is expected of a pre-school.

Rosie makes a point to employ enthusiastic and energetic staff with well-spoken, native-speaking, British English to ensure that the English taught in her school is of the highest standard. British manners and general ethics are also part of the curriculum - a bonus for children growing up in today’s mobile, global world.


2014 & 2015





Our 4 year old son Ko attended COLE English Pre-school in Innsbruck for the ten weeks that we were in Austria in 2014 and again in 2015.

Although he found it difficult on his first day, he adjusted easily and very much enjoyed his stay.

COLE English Pre-school is located in a quiet residential area in Innsbruck. The house is pretty - like a picture-book. The pre-school has a dog, two cats and goldfish. It is surrounded by a garden with large trees, lawn and a pond. We don't have such a nice Kindergarten in Tokyo.

COLE's English education is of a high quality and all of the teachers were very kind to us. Ko enjoyed many extra events such as fieldtrips, the summer party and the birthday parties of his pre-school friends.

They were really great experiences for him and my family in Innsbruck.

Thank you everyone!







Whilst we were in Europe for three months for professional reasons our son Leo attended the COLE pre-school. Although he could hardly speak English when we arrived he was welcomed and quickly adapted to his new language and cultural environment.

By the time we had to leave Austria Leo had learnt a substantial amount of English and had made some very good friends at COLE.

The COLE pre-school is well-equipped with educational materials and has a lovely garden for the children to play in.

Leo also enjoyed the extra activities at COLE, such as the swimming programme, a trip to the Alpine Zoo and the end of year summer party. The staff were all kind and helpful.

The English taught was well-pronounced and correct. Our son Leo enjoyed his time and his lessons at COLE pre-school very much. He said, “I was lucky to come to Innsbruck because I could meet joyful friends and teachers!”

We really appreciated what COLE did for our son’s well-being and education. Thank you to Rosie and her team.

When we returned again in 2015 for a few months Leo was able to attend COLE pre-school again. We were grateful for the flexibility of the pre-school proprietor.







Lucia started at COLE pre-school when she was four years old and left at the age of six, when we moved countries. Lucia was very happy attending during those two years at COLE.

For us it was very important that she could learn English, and in COLE her English skills improved considerably.

The teachers were very nice and always had a big smile for everyone. The atmosphere was positive and created the perfect environment for children to enjoy learning and playing.

With respect to the management of the school, all was done in an easy, fast and efficient way.

So, without a doubt we would recommend COLE to any family who wants their children to learn English in a relaxing, kind and child-friendly environment. Thanks for everything, Rosie.







Our son Tarush (DOB, 9.8.’05) joined COLE pre-school in January 2010 and stayed until September 2011, when we left the country.

Coming from a non-European country, we thought it would be difficult for him to adjust. However, in very little time he was able to integrate with the children and staff at COLE.

The quality of the academic programme offered at the COLE pre-school was very good and helped Tarush to evolve well. The staff at the pre-school was also really good at supporting the growth and education of the children.

The general pre-school atmosphere was excellent, providing good feedback to the parents with regard to the progress of the student.

Also, last but not least, it would be inappropriate not to mention ‘Rosie’, who is the designer of the curriculum and syllabus and the guiding force behind all the activities in the pre-school, and whom the children both love and respect at the same time.

Thank you to COLE pre-school.







Unsere 4-jährige Tochter Alice hat von Januar 2010 bis Juli 2011 die COLE English pre-school besucht. Wir kommen aus Italien und unsere Muttersprache ist Italienisch. Alice hat sich schon nach wenigen Wochen gut in die Gruppe integriert und besuchte die Kindergruppe sehr gerne, obwohl sie mit den KindergruppenlehrerInnen und Kindern Englisch und mit etliche andere Kindern Deutsch sprechen musste, Sprachen, die sie kaum beherrschte.

Nach eineinhalb Jahren können wir sagen, dass dies eine ausgesprochen positive Erfahrung für Alice war. Sie hat sich einen bemerkenswerten Wortschatz in Englisch angeeignet und uns ist aufgefallen, dass ihr diese Sprache sehr gut gefällt.

In der Pre-school wurde Alice mit Kindern unterschiedlicher Nationalitäten und mit zahlreichen kulturellen Hintergründen konfrontiert, wodurch sie sich um einige wertvolle Erfahrungen bereichern konnte.

Spiel- und Lernphasen waren gut ausbalanciert, die Lehrer folgten ihrem Unterrichtsplan, ohne Disziplin und Respekt zu vernachlässigen. Das Ambiente war sehr angenehm und kindgerecht.

Positiv waren auch die flexiblen Zubring- und Abholzeiten. Wir haben auch die Ausflüge und Aktivitäten außerhalb der Kindergruppe, wie den Skikurs und den Schwimmkurs, sehr wertgeschätzt. Zudem haben wir sehr viel Verständnis und Herzlichkeit von Seiten aller Mitarbeiter, vor allem aber von Seiten der COLE pre-school Inhaberin (Rosie) erfahren.

Alice hat hier sehr viele neue Freunde gefunden und die Aktivitäten, denen sie nachging, haben in ihr das Interesse und den Willen, diesen Weg auch in Italien weiterzugehen, geweckt.

Thank you to all at COLE.







We would recommend COLE pre-school to anyone who values a quality education and a personal and safe environment for their child to learn and grow in. The ratio of teachers to children is ideal and allows for small group activities as well as one on one lessons.

We speak both English and German at home, so it was not as important for us that our son learn English, but more important was that he had a qualitative learning environment in which he felt comfortable and ‘at home’ in.

This was certainly the case at COLE pre-school where he easily learnt to socialize with children from various countries with differing ethnic and religious backgrounds.

Our son spent 2 years at pre-school before we moved out of the country.

The educational program, curriculum and syllabus used at the COLE pre-school (designed by the proprietor Rosie) was excellent and went above and beyond what is normally expected from a pre-school.

This meant that our son was more than positively well-prepared for further education abroad. Well done and thank you to Rosie and her team at COLE.







By 2009 our family had lived in 4 countries in 4 years. When we arrived in the Innsbruck area our daughter Rachel was ready to start kindergarten, and we were lucky enough to find out about Rosie’s pre-school from relatives.

What a safe and nurturing place for our daughter to land after all her travels! Rosie and her staff made Rachel’s pre-school experience unforgettable.

The curriculum was first rate, and the children participated in many activities like ski week, swim week, and holiday celebrations.

Rachel received a fantastic base with which to start first grade, along with a lot of love and kindness.

There is also a fantastic summer program for children of different ages. Rosie helped our entire family with ideas and advice for the transition into Austrian life.

We are forever grateful for our time at COLE pre-school, and the friends and connections we made while there. We would highly recommend COLE English Centre for Kids for children of all nationalities.







It is our pleasure to recommend COLE English Pre-school. Our family relocated to Innsbruck in 2003 and spent the next 4 years there. During this time both of our children attended COLE Pre-school. We were overall extremely impressed with the professional way in which the school is conducted - a huge credit to Rosie Ladner-Cole, who is extremely dedicated to providing the best education possible to ‘her’ children.

All aspects of the curriculum are well covered and the school programme is planned well in advance to make the days well balanced. The hours Rosie puts into preparation for her teaching shows through in the comprehensive programme she provides. She is extremely motivated and because of this the children benefit from a great education. Rosie goes above and beyond what is expected of a pre-school.

We were amazed at how quickly the Austrian children learnt English and the English speaking children learnt German through interaction with each other.This was a huge advantage to our children who were able to quickly make friends.

The staff at COLE Pre-school are enthusiastic and energetic, and Rosie makes a point to employ well-spoken, native-speaking British English personnel to ensure the English taught in her school is of the highest standard. The pre-school is a safe and friendly environment with a variety of animals that were a highlight for our children who didn’t have pets of their own.

Both our boys were very happy there and we all have very fond memories of our children’s time at COLE. Rosie is an extremely generous person with her time and always willing to help & assist everyone in many non-school matters - which was a huge help for us when we first arrived in Innsbruck.

We would highly recommend the COLE English Pre-school. It is a fantastic school for the Austrian children wanting to learn English as well as for native English speaking families from overseas living in Austria.




Scotland, UK




I would recommend COLE Pre-school, without a doubt. I came to Innsbruck from the UK in September 2001 to study as a language student. My son Ross was fast approaching his 3rd birthday and did not speak any German. I was looking for a welcoming and safe environment for him to learn and play, where the language barrier would not be a problem - Rosie's Pre-school was perfect.

Within the first week, Ross was already speaking a few German words and had made some good friends - they were learning English and sometimes copying Ross's Scottish accent! Rosie's self-designed curricula suited perfectly too - it is educational yet lots of fun along the way. All of the children left each day, happy and having learnt something new.

I cannot thank Rosie and the staff enough for making our time in Austria one big, exciting adventure.

I couldn't have done it without your support Rosie and for that, I'm eternally grateful.




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